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// Posted by :Pika
// On :Selasa, 06 Juni 2017
Dalam industri
farmasi komponen terbesar biaya produk adalah biaya pengadaan barang termasuk
pengadaan bahan awal/starting material 60-70% biaya perusahaan untuk pengadaan
bahan awal.
Departemen yang
bertanggung jawab adalah departemen pembelian/purchasing/procurement. Berada dibawah
direksi perusahaan/dibawah PPIC.
Kegiatan bagian
pembelian :
Pemilihan supplier/pemasok, bernegosiasi mengenai harga,
termint/pembayaran dan jadwal pengiriman bahan termasuk menerbitkan surat
pesanan (Purchase order/OR).
Melakukan pemantauan pengiriman/expediting delivery yang
dilakukan oleh supplier.
Menjembatani antara supplier dengan bagian terkait dalam
Mencari produk, material/supplier baru yang memberikan
konstribusi dan keuntungan perusahaan.
Pemilihan supplier :
Kualitas bahan yang akan dipesan harus dilengkapi CoA
(Certificate of Analysis).
Kontinuitas/kesanggupan dalam menyuplai barang yang
berkualitas secara terus menerus.
Delivery time/ketetapan waktu pengiriman sesuai dengan
waktu pengiriman yang telah ditentukan.
Layanan purnajual dan kemudahan dalam pembayaran.
Sistem pembelian di
industri farmasi, ada 2 yaitu :
Open purchase order
Order pembelian
jumlahnya kecil, nilai ordernya kecil. Proses transaksi dengan frekuensi tinggi
materialnya mudah didapat supplier cukup banyak, kebutuhan fluktuatif/naik
Blanked purchase order
Order pembelian
jumlahnya besar secara total, harganya tetap, pengiriman dalam jangka panjang,
material nilainya cukup tinggi, potongan harga cukup besar bila order quantity
cukup besar. Material sukar didapat/dipasaran sering kosong.
Yang perlu diperhatikan
dalam pelaksanaan pengadaan :
Stok bahan yang ada baik bahan baku, bahan kemas dan
produk jadi.
Lead time/masa tunggu/masa tenggang/waktu yang dibutuhkan
untuk pengadaan barang mulai dari pemesanan sampai tiba di gudang pabrik.
Sistem pembelian tepat
waktu (just in time purchasing)
Tujuan :
Menghilangkan kegiatan yang tidak perlu. Misalnya pemeriksaan
supplier yang lama dan bertele-tele.
Mengurangi inventory stok yang berlebihan bila perlu zero
Adanya jaminan kualitas material karena adanya seleksi
ketat terhadap supplier.
Mengurangi resiko penyimpanan karena stok ada di
Syarat pembelian tepat
waktu :
Suppliernya tetap.
Analisa harganya tetap.
Delivery tepat waktu.
Kemudahan pembayaran.
Jaminan kualitas dengan pemilihan supplier dan
manufacturer yang ketat.
Dokumen mutu lengkap (CoA).
Standar kemasan untuk menjaga kualitas mutu material.
Jumlah pembelian konstan.
Administrasi seminimal mungkin.
Dihindari adanya overstock atau out of stock.
Kontak pembelian jangka panjang.
Koordinasi pengiriman dengan bagian lain sesuai dengan
kebutuhan, kapasitas gudang dan ketersediaan dana.
Stok ada di supplier (sistem konsinyasi).
QuickBooks is the most appealing accounting software that has given a modernized direction to the business owners. Despite being a standalone software, it sometimes throws nasty errors resulting in the corruption of QuickBooks company files. You can easily get instant help for QuickBooks errors at QuickBooks Support +1 844-233-5335. Website:
BalasHapusQuickBooks Payroll is one of the powerful versions of QuickBooks that has attracted millions of customers. But sometimes you may face some errors in this software. To fix these errors dial our QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1 844-233-5335 and procure the most optimal solutions for QuickBooks Payroll errors. Website:
BalasHapusQuickBooks is one of the most trustworthy brands which is famous for offering millions of people the best products. QuickBooks is providing great services globally over the years but it can also run into issues that can hamper your work. Thus, in such cases contact our team via QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1 844-233-5335. Website:
BalasHapusMoney is the core feature of any business. A small drift in the maintenance of money can influence the whole hierarchy of your organization. Thus, to avoid such inconvenience consider QuickBooks software. In case you find any discrepancies in your software then contact us at QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1 800-417-3165. Visit us-
BalasHapusIt is really difficult to find blogs written on such solid research. For a business like yours, I would suggest you use QuickBooks payroll as your payroll software. If you face difficulty, contact QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1-833-422-8848. They offer great solutions for all the errors.
It is really difficult to find blogs written on such solid research. For a business like yours, I would suggest you use QuickBooks payroll as your payroll software. If you face difficulty, contact QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1-833-422-8848. They offer great solutions for all the errors.
BalasHapusI was just wandering through multiple webpages, where I came through your blog post. The blend of superb writing and accurate information is enough to seek anybody’s attention. To give more focus on your time, you can download QuickBooks as it helps the user to perform their accounting and bookkeeping tasks at their fingertips. It has various products that help you in managing your work. You can know more about its working and installation process by calling our QuickBooks Helpline Number +1 833-228-2822. Thus, if you come across any sorts of technical and non-technical errors don’t hesitate to call our experts at our toll-free number +1 833-228-2822 and procure feasible solutions every time.
Read More: QuickBooks File Doctor
QuickBooks is a supreme accounting software that contains all the tools related to small businesses. However, it doesn’t mean that this software is immune to errors. Unlike any other software, QuickBooks too has some idiosyncrasies. To fix QuickBooks errors, consider our instant help at QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1 800-417-3165. Visit us-
BalasHapusQuickBooks Payroll software is widely used in various companies for several business transactions like monitoring expenses, managing payroll and, creating an invoice. But sometimes, you may face some errors in this software. In such a situation, dial our QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1 800-417-3165 and get feasible solutions for your errors. Visit us-
BalasHapusManaging business finance can be a cumbersome task. A small mistake in managing business finance can lead to big penalties. Thus, to avoid such hassles, QuickBooks Enterprise is considered as a prime product. In case you want quick help and support for this software then dial QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +1 800-417-3165. Visit us-
BalasHapusQuickBooks Payroll software is widely used in various companies for several business transactions like monitoring expenses, managing payroll and, creating an invoice. But sometimes, you may face some errors in this software. In such a situation, dial our QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1 800-417-3165 and get feasible solutions for your errors. Visit us-
BalasHapusManaging business finance can be a cumbersome task. A small mistake in managing business finance can lead to big penalties. Thus, to avoid such hassles, QuickBooks Enterprise is considered as a prime product. In case you want quick help and support for this software then dial QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +1 800-417-3165. Visit us-
BalasHapusHey, I liked your blog. It is very informative. I wish a successful blogging career ahead. If you are using QuickBooks software as your prime accounting software, then QuickBooks Helpline Number +1-800-329-0391 are the best service provider for you. They offer the best service at a very affordable rate.
Looking for accounting software that provides seamless and comprehensive data on one single tool? If yes, then QuickBooks is the right option for you. QuickBooks is a comprehensive accounting tool that allows you to manage your business flow. You can easily get help for QuickBooks errors at QuickBooks Support Phone Number 18004173165. Visit us-
BalasHapusHello, thank you very much for writing such an informational blog. QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise is the best accounting software for professional accountants and large-scale business. It has support for upto thirty different multi-users and permission from the same software. To get affordable support, call on Quickbooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +1-833-422-8848.
BalasHapusRead More: Quickbooks Support Phone Number
Hello, thank you very much for writing such an informational blog. QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise is the best accounting software for professional accountants and large-scale business. It has support for upto thirty different multi-users and permission from the same software. To get affordable support, call on Quickbooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +1-833-422-8848.
BalasHapusRead More: Quickbooks Support Phone Number
QuickBooks Enterprise is the most popular version of QuickBooks that has amazed millions of customers. But sometimes you may face some errors in this software. In such a situation, dial our QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +1 800-417-3165 and get easy solutions for errors. Visit us-
BalasHapusHi, nice information regarding the topic. It’s easy to understand and grab more information when the topic has sufficient content. The best part that grabs my attention was the precise points made by you on your post. Thank you for sharing such a powerful post. Enjoy your life stress-free and even manage the time with QuickBooks. In case, you face any problem, contact QuickBooks customer support phone number +1 833-222-6943 for instant and perfect help.
BalasHapusRead more:QuickBooks Error Code 6189?
QuickBooks is the best accounting software with lots of bugs and errors. To get solution for any technical and non-technical error, call us on QuickBooks Support phone number +18004173165. Our support team provides the solution for all kind of desktop, POS, Payroll, series 6000, series C and banking errors at an affordable price. Visit us-
BalasHapusEnterprise is the most advance and customizable accounting software offered by the QuickBooks. You can easily create up to 30 different users accounts and can track up to one million customers. To get error support, call us on QuickBooks Enterprise Support phone number +18004173165. Our support provides step-by-step solutions at an affordable price. Visit us-
BalasHapusQuickBooks software is used by the various small and medium-sized business for doing their business accounting process. But while using the software, users can face lots of errors which can intervene in their accounting process. To get support for this, call us on QuickBooks Support phone number +18004173165. Visit us-
BalasHapusI love your blog. It has a great quality of content and technical knowledge. If you are facing difficulty in managing your business account with such a time taking blogging career, use QuickBooks as your accounting software. If you encounter any error, call us on tollfree QuickBooks Error Support Phone Number +1 (888) 238-7409. Visit us: -
BalasHapusQuickBooks accounting software is the best and most preferred accounting software for small and medium-sized business. But while installing, updating or downloading the software, you can face various errors. To get trusted and 100% working solutions, call us on QuickBooks Support Phone Number +18004173165. Visit us-
BalasHapusQuickBooks software provides affordable and effective solutions for the business accounting process. On the other hand, you can face lots of errors while using the software. These errors are related to various accounting process performed by the users. To get solutions for the error, call us on QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1 800-417-3165. Visit us-
BalasHapusFinally! I came across a helpful post after browsing many sites. Very significant information is mentioned in points. Thank You! Easily manage your time and money, with QuickBooks accounting software. To know more about QuickBooks dial QuickBooks Error Support Phone Number 1 (888) 238-7409 and all the desired information. Visit us: -
BalasHapusPayroll software has solved payday accounting difficulty for various businessman around the globe. It is the world’s #1 payroll software that is offered by the QuickBooks. Through the software, one can directly deposit money to the bank account. To get support for the software, call us on QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1 800-417-3165. Visit us-
BalasHapusHey, first of all, congratulation on this post. I loved the points that are presented in your post. I would like to update that one can easily manage their time and money with QuickBooks accounting software. You can reach the team by dialing QuickBooks Phone Number for Support+1 833-222-6943. The team is available 24 x7 hours 365 days a year.
BalasHapusRead More:QuickBooks Error PS033
QuickBooks is the world’s best accounting software for managing the business accounting process. Through the software, one can easily track miles, generate estimates, create tax, seek capital and do many more task. To get solutions for the error, call us on our tollfree QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1 800-417-3165. Visit us-
BalasHapusDesktop enterprise is highly customizable and the most powerful accounting software, which is used by various large-scale business & industry and professional accountants. If you face difficulty while using the desktop enterprise software, contact us on our tollfree QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +18004173165. Visit us-
BalasHapusQuickBooks application allows its users to manage their business regardless of their size. While using this appliance you might face multiple technical and non-technical errors. This is the right time to contact QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1-800-417-3165. We have a certified support team that easily fixes all your issues related to QuickBooks in a short time. Visit us-
BalasHapusAre you facing errors while integrating the Payroll Software in your QuickBooks or vice-versa? Well, don’t worry simply get connected to our experts by dialling QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number 1-800- 417- 3165. All our Payroll specialists are highly experienced and well-versed about this software and its errors, and can quickly solve your problems related to Payroll in a moment notice. Visit us-
BalasHapusQuickBooks accounting software helps you in making your business accounting process easy and interactive. It has a dedicated dashboard feature from where you can easily get feedback for your business accounts. To get cost and time effective support, call on QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1-800-329-0391. Visit us-
BalasHapusQuickBooks payroll feature can easily be clubbed with your basic accounting software for managing your payday process. Through the software, one can easily file forms and taxes with all the legal rules and regulation. To get support for the payroll, call us on QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1 800-417-3165. Visit us-
BalasHapusThis is an amazing post, with such authentic information and the crispy writing your post has won my heart. QuickBooks is world-class accounting software and also is host to several glitches and snags. However, to get it fixed instantly and perfectly, contact QuickBooks Helpline Number 1-888-238-7409.and the experts are ready to answer all your queries and solve your entire problem. Visit us:-
Get connected with the QuickBooks Premier Support Phone Number +1(800)986-4591, if you find any trouble while using QuickBooks. It could be either error code or glitches, our QuickBooks experts are always there to offer you assistance. Don’t let error trouble you anymore. For More Visit:
BalasHapusFacing error Problem in QuickBooks? Get connected with QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1(800)986-4591, as they provide immediate assistance regarding your issues & query. Avail round the clock aid for complex error codes. For More Visit:
QuickBooks Payroll provides end-to-end accounting solutions. It has several features such as payroll management, invoice preparation and so on. Even though it has so many features, this software needs assistance support because it is prone to errors. If you encounter any issue then reach us at QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1-800-417-3165. We have highly skilled experts who are available 24x7. You can call us anytime. Visit us-
BalasHapusQuickBooks Enterprise edition is a prominent software for doing accounting tasks easily. However, many times, it encounters errors which hampers the work efficiency. To get the solutions for these errors, just call us on QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number 1-800-417-3165 and enjoy the hassle-free service. You will get the best assistance support available for QuickBooks in the market. So, don’t waste your time if you are facing an issue. Hurry up! and call us now. Visit us-
BalasHapusNice Blog ! Reach us by Dialing our QuickBooks Desktop Support Phone Number 855-907-0406. We are engaged in resolving issues users are confronting with QuickBooks.
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